
Innovative Beauty Uses of Baking Soda

Baking soda, a must has kitchen item for generations. On the other hand, it also offers lots of beauty and skin benefits. Yes, it is true, this amazing item is used to treat many skin problems. It is very cheaper and has no side effects. Some of the most common uses of baking soda are:

As a Clarifying Shampoo. If you are habitual of using many hair products like dry shampoo, then you defiantly need deep exfoliation from time to time. And the baking soda is the best solution for your scalp exfoliation. Just include small amount of baking soda in your shampoo and apply on scalp.  

As a Deodorant. Baking soda has natural deodorizing properties which makes it great homemade deodorant. Just mix it with water until it makes a slightly moist and apply to your underarms to prevent body odor.

You can use baking soda for teeth whitening, blackhead removing, exfoliation and cuticles care. for further detail just watch the following video.

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