
How To Find If There Is Something Abnormal With Your Periods

Ladies want to talk about periods but there are certain shy factor that prevents them to talk about it openly. Then there is also a matter that they don't know that whether the periods they are having is normal or not. Every woman have different experiences with periods but there are some factors that remains same with all. Periods are painful, for some its extreme for some its mild. It is the time the private parts are most vulnerable to bacteria. Following are some irregularities that if occur means you have abnormal periods.

  • Vital Signs: Your blood pressure should remain normal during periods. If its not its a sign of abnormality.
  • How Long?: Note how long do your periods last. If the heavy flow continues more than 6 days its not normal.
  • Blood Clot Factor: If your platelets level is low you need to start eating more fibrous food.
  • Pregnancy: Check whether you are pregnant or not. Because irregular bleeding can be a sign of miscarriage.
In all cases you need to consult your gynecologist.

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