
Warning signs & Symptoms of Vulvar Cancer! Do not Ignore Them...This could be Fatal!

Vulvar cancar is the cancer of female genitalia. Ladies are normally uncomfortable talking about the lady parts but they must have this knowledge or ignorance can be fatal. Vulva includes vaginal opening, up to the reproductive system to the uterus. Labia minora and Labia majora, the outer folds of the v@gina, are also included.

Vulvar cancer occurs externally to genitalia. Its a sore or a lump in that area that itches all the time. Ladies of all ages are prone to this cancer but mostly its found in women in older age. It can be treated by removing the infected area or sometimes the surrounding good part too. If it gets severe the whole vulva is removed. Its other symptoms are:

  • Alteration in Vulva skin.
  • Wart or ulcer on vulva.
  • Thickening of vulva skin.
  • Bleeding apart from menstruation.
  • Increased sensitivity of the area.
  • Pain.
As soon as you feel any of the symptoms you should get tested. A biopsy can tell you the nature of the problem, whether its a cancer or not. A pathologist can tell you if the mass is cancerous or in pre-cancerous. Risks of vulvar cancer:
  • Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
  • Intraepithelial Neoplasia (VIN)
  • There is always a risk of cancer coming back.
  • Consult doctor even on a little symptoms.

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