
Why You Should Never Let Anyone Kiss Your Baby on the Lips

Every parent has an overwhelming desire of protecting their new born from any pain. You protect your baby from cold, from diseases, from others bad eye. You get worried when your baby sneezed even once and you start wrapping him and protecting him from cold.

Its a request to mums whose children are sick, kindly don't take them outside and do not spread germs. No mother wants her kid to be sick in bed. To protect them don't allow anyone to kiss your child specially on lips. Here is the reason why!

People like to kiss babies, they get all coochie coo and start kissing the baby. But this could be dangerous. Here is a true story.

Story of a UK mum Claire Henderson, whose baby was kissed on the mouth and developed herpes on the lips, cheeks and chin and spend 5 days in hospital. This kid was lucky as cold sore virus can be fatal for the children under 3 months. As another baby Eloise Lampton died of this within a few days after she was born.
Why You Should Never Let Anyone Kiss Your Baby on the Lips

The point of the story is to never let anyone kiss your newborn on mouth, You can never know where the germs come from. You should be safe than sorry. A new born baby has very little immune system till 6 months. An older child may have just a running nose or a sore on lips but for a new born it is fatal.

People can take it bad when you tell them not to kiss our baby but ask them politely because you just can't take a chance and people also should respect it and know that its the right thing to do.

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