
OMG ! 8 Mistakes You Should Know When You Washing Your Hair!

We take shower and think that our hair are clean and healthy but no! We need to pay attention to how we are taking shower. Check whether you are making following 8 mistakes during shower or not. If yes then fix them to get full advantage of shower.
  1. Wash When You Want: Its generally believed that you should not wash your hair daily. But that is not the condition, you can wash whenever you like. Some have oily hair or some people workout so they need to shampoo their hair daily.
  2. Skip Shampoo: If you need to shower daily you can skip shampoo. Shampooing daily can make your scalp scaly and leading to damaged hair. Skipping shampoo will allow all the nutrients in the water to reach directly to the scalp.
  3. Hard Scrubbing: Avoid scrubbing and grabbing hair too hard while showering because at that time roots of hair are weak and easily breakable. So be gentle.
  4. Hot Water Shower: People love to have hot shower after a long tiring day. It relaxes their muscles but at the same time hot water can leave your hair dry and damaged. So just change your habit from hot water to lukewarm water. The colder the water, the more moisture your hair will absorb.
  5. Using Too Much Products: People tend to use different products on their hair, try everything new that comes in the market. Instead its better to stay with one product that suits you. Don't experiment.
  6. Rushing in Conditioning Steps: Due to lack of time we just rush into conditioning, but a conditioner needs it proper time work. So apply your conditioner from root to tip of the strand. And leave for 5-10 minutes at least. Tangle your hair with wide brush, only in this way your hair will be fully nourished.
  7. Not Finishing With Cool Rinse: After shower, always rinse off your hair with cold water at least. This will help to set the cuticles and make your hair more shinier.
  8. Towel Drying: Rubbing your hair with towel can break them. So just try to dry your hair with blotting instead of rubbing the towel.

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