
3 Natural Ways How to Get Rid of Intimate Area Odor Easily

Characteristic v@ginal odor is normal. It varies according to various factors.like clothing, diet and personal hygiene. But when there is some bacterial or fungal infection occurs the smell changes and become stronger along with itching and irritation, sometimes.

A healthy intimate part is acidic in nature so you should avoid harsh soaps or cleansers to wash it other wise it could disturb its pH level and spread the bacteria. Healthy balanced life, proper hydration ad protected sex can save you from embarrassing v@ginal odor.

Also choose your clothing carefully because some fabrics can increase production of heat and moisture, perfect for bacterial growth. Also change your sanitary pads or tampons frequently. Inshort your lower part should stay clean and dry. Following are 3 ways to get rid of v@ginal odor.

  • Lemon Leaves V@ginal Wash:

Lemons contain limonene which is powerful antibacterial and antimicrobial. This wash is great to prevent leucorrhea, candidiasis and vaginitis. It regulates pH level hence no odor or itching.

Wash 10 lemon leaves. Crush them and mix them in a glass of water. Boil the mixture. As soon as the mixture turns green, turn off the stove, cool down the mixture and strain. Use this mixture to wash your v@gina. If its a little uncomfortable just wash it with tape water but use no soap. Just make sure you are not allergic to this mixture. Use several times a week.
Lemon Leaves V@ginal Wash

  • Apple Cider Vinegar Wash:

Take 3 cups of apple cider vinegar and warm water. Fill your bathtub or shower tub with warm water and add ACV. Stay in that tub for 20-30 minutes and wash yourself. Repeat this 3-5 times a week or more if the odor is strong.
Apple Cider Vinegar Wash

  • Yogurt:

It is a natural v@ginal cleaning agent. Take one-fourth or half cup of yogurt. Soak a cotton pad well in the yogurt and apply this on your intimate area. Rub gently and thoroughly for few minutes. Then rinse if off with water. Do this procedure 3-4 times a day.

If the strong odor problem persists even after using above mentioned ways please consult your gynecologist.

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