
Potato, one of the most consumed vegetable around the globe. People always like the recipes which have potato as main ingredient. Do you know that what type of potatoes you can eat? There are some potato types which humans cannot consume due to its dangerous affects and may be fetal at times.  If anyone take a substantial amount of these types of potatoes, then he may suffer from sense losing ailment. I am talking about green potatoes here. Researchers around the globe always advise that not to eat green potatoes.

The reason why green potatoes are too much dangerous for human beings is that they contain chlorophyll and solanine. The main concern in green potatoes is solanine. It can be found in all potato roots and presnt in very limited quantity initially. It acts as an insect killer for potatoes. Due to the too much exposure to light this solanine keeps on increasing in potatoes, which in turn become lethal for human beings. For further detail, just watch the following video.


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